Sunday, April 5, 2009

Grow Your Own Easter Grass

Grow Your Very Own Baskets!! It's the best!
Real Grass Easter Baskets - You are Just in Time!
Easter Basket
Plastic Wrap
Vermiculite (find at nursery/florist shop)
Whole Wheat Grain

One week before Easter, line sides and bottom of basket with one piece of plastic wrap. Pour in vermiculite (optional: line ½ of basket with potting soil and fill remainder with vermiculite) to a level of 1-2 inches below the top of the basket rim. Sprinkle layer of wheat over the vermiculite. Pour water into the basket until barely visible beneath the wheat. Place another piece of plastic wrap loosely over the top of the wheat. Put basket in a sunny spot (not in direct sunlight). After 1 or 2 days, remove plastic wrap. Do not water again. (Optional: When wheat sprouts, place 1-3 hard boiled eggs in basket and wheat will grow around them.)